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Interpreting the ResponseiQ Dashboard
Interpreting the ResponseiQ Dashboard

Understand widget impressions vs opens, connected call ratios, average call length and more

Nicky Knoesen avatar
Written by Nicky Knoesen
Updated over 5 years ago

Your dashboard is a great resource to understand how many times your widget is opened and how many callbacks are requested.

ResponseiQ Dashboard offers excellent search and advanced filters, enabling you to view statistics and graphs generated only for the data you intend to look at:

Search Filters


You can choose to view data by a particular ResponseiQ Service you use out of Widget, Call Tracking, Lead Connect or Lead Management Campaign.


If you have more than one domain on your account, you can filter them individually here.

Date Range

Search data using a particular date range with preset options or set a custom date range.

Advanced Filters to Refine by Attribution


Great for tracking visitor origination and investigating marketing efforts by traffic source Channels. Considering a lead that originated via google ad campaign clicking on which redirected the user to your travel booking web page. The channel, in this case, will be attributed as “Paid Search”. Other channels could be Organic Search, Social, Referral, Direct.


Filter to view data from a particular traffic source. Considering the example mentioned above, the source would be “google” as the ad campaign was via google. Other sources may include google for organic search, affiliate URLs for referral, and your web page URL as for a direct channel.


Choose a Medium to look for the data attributed to a specific traffic source medium. The medium in the above case will be “CPC” considering the google ad was a CPC campaign for your web page. Other popular mediums are organic, referral, email, etc.


This will be helpful to view data generated via a particular marketing campaign. The google ad campaign name would be attributed as the campaign for the same case. Campaign names could be the name of the marketing campaigns you organise, which could be a Facebook ad, google ad or an email campaign.


Data can now be filtered to the level of keywords captured from the UTM URLs captured from the traffic source through which the lead originated. Keywords in the above example could be something related to your service, like “top booking website”.

Understanding graphs and stats

By default, it will show activity across the last seven days for ALL domains and ResponseiQ services associated with your account. Ensure you select a specific domain or service in the search filters for a more comprehensive domain-by-domain or service-by-domain breakdown.

What it means: Widget impressions vs widget opens

Widget impressions indicate how many times the phone icon has loaded on your site before the widget (with phone number field) has had a chance to open fully. This data is an excellent indication of traffic visiting your site.

Widget opens an essential measurement of more substantial engagement with your site/pages. If using the 60-second default, you can assume that if a visitor has stayed long enough to see the widget open up, they're going to be more likely to request a callback, although they won't always do so.

Tip: Want the widget to open sooner? Edit timings by going to Settings > Automated popup settings.

Total/connected calls and average duration

Total calls tell you how many calls were requested through the widget. A call is classified as 'connected' if it lasts for more than 5 seconds.

Why didn't my call connect?

There are many reasons why your call may not have been connected - your call report can shed some light on this and allow you to filter/export specific data. If a call hasn't connected, it usually means either an agent missed the call, the customer didn't pick up the callback, or in rare cases, the call failed to connect due to a technical error.

We don't expect 100% of call requests to connect as there are always factors outside of your control affecting this number, as mentioned above. Your percentage is available on the dashboard for monitoring purposes


The chart above shows you any disparity between total vs connected leads. ResponseiQ considers a phone number as a lead that can have multiple call statuses among numerous calls and retries happening between the lead and your agents via our system. Hence, this graph is plotted on the basis of the overall lead status.

ResponseiQ application allows you to configure retry attempts for a call in case your agents miss to claim them and also in the scenario where a customer would not be able to attend the call. You can also set up an automated retry that can be scheduled in case a call would go for a call duration under x minutes.

Read more about setting up automated retries in case there is a Missed by Agent case or Missed by Customer/ Short Call Duration event.

As aforementioned, if you would like to check the reasons for lack of connection, you can head over to your call reports page and filter your missed by agent, missed by customer and other filters to see if there are any patterns you can mitigate.

Time of The Day Statistics

This bar-line graph represents the status of calls with the leads during the day. It will plot the chart for each hour within the 24hrs in the day.

Traffic Source Attribution

This is a very important, powerful and customisable part of the dashboard. It allows you to see the most common ways a customer landed on your website. It’s also useful for checking the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns such as AdWords or Facebook Ads. If you only want to review this data for specific widgets/domains or services, remember that at the top you can filter for those accordingly which will flow down to all the data shown in the rest of the dashboard.

You can choose to view the data by Medium, Channel, Source and Keywords using the drop-down in the top right.

Tip: You will have the option to view both the pie chart and bar chart or one of them as per your choice using the tick box against each

Follow the link to learn how to track events/goals in Google Analytics.

Tip: Click on “View Table” to have the same data in a list form as a more direct form of information for your convenience

Traffic Source Attribution by Day

This stacked bar graph will be used to depict the no. of leads originating from multiple marketing channels, sources, mediums, campaigns and even keywords. This is also affected by the drop-down in the top right of the aforementioned “Traffic Source Attribution” graphs.

Call Status

This is a pie chart that will plot the number/percentage of calls as per their status. The data will be affected by the search and advanced filters that can be set from the top.

Visitor Devices

A simple breakdown of where your visitors come from. Helpful for looking at optimisation across different devices.

Agent Activity

More useful for team leaders of agents with a competitive streak. Use this interface to look at call distribution/give praise/start an agent competition.

Lead Connect Dashboard

Like multiple callback widgets, there could be various Lead Connects that you must have created for each web form or lead gen form on your web pages. This table gives you a holistic view of which lead connects are fetching how many leads and also segregated among the lead status. You can also export the data to a CSV.

Lead Connect Dashboard By Day

This variation of the above Lead Connect Dashboard will provide the statistics of leads via lead connect as a whole on per day basis. It gives an amalgamated view of how many enquiries came in via lead connect in a day irrespective of the lead connect name/email.

Lead Connect Logs

To have a dedicated list of leads fetched via a particular Lead Connect or for the specific day, click on the blue arrow icon against each lead connect row record in either of the two above tables. This will give you a dedicated view for the respective leads received via lead connect by lead connect name or by the day. You can filter the data by date range, widget domain or even search an email directly.

Widget Based Outcome Reports

If you are using ResponseiQ Outcome Tracking on your account, you will be able to see an additional button in the bottom of the dashboard to let you access the outcome specific reports. The above information depicts the data of outcomes logged per-domain basis in the company account. These will give total outcomes logged for the connected leads.

Read more about how ResponseiQ Outcome Tracking works here

Agent-Based Outcome Reports

This data is tabulated to give statistics related to the number of outcomes logged per agent and also segmented among the outcomes configured for the company account. This stat is vital to identify if the agents are logging call outcomes or not.

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