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Missed calls and retry attempts
Missed calls and retry attempts

What happens if you miss a call and how to ensure it doesn't happen

Nicky Knoesen avatar
Written by Nicky Knoesen
Updated over a week ago

Whether you have one agent or fifty, there might be times when they miss inbound calls. Luckily, you can set up retry attempts to ensure that you don't miss out if you fail to pick up the call first time around.

The wait time you choose is up to you. If your agents don't pick up and press 1 within the amount of time you specify, we will retry the call and you won't lose any credits.

To get retry calls, you first need to have the setting enabled and attempt times set. You can change or increase the number of retry attempts and the time between them by going to Settings > Call Settings > Retry Attempts; here's an example:

You can set up as many retry attempts as you like, but if you are consistently busy, we do recommend changing the wording on your widget to manage your customers' expectations regarding callback times.  We have found that '27 seconds' is the magic number, but anything up to one minute is okay if absolutely necessary during peak periods. 

If you're missing calls because certain team members are away or your office is closed, you'll need to adjust your settings by going to Settings > Out of Hours Settings.  

You can also edit individual agent hours or switch them off completely - read our article on changing your business hours to learn more.

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