Changing business hours really depends on the call setting you have selected.
One number, multiple agents
If you are using the one number, multiple agents call setting, you need to adjust the Company Hours tab. Simply toggle the 'yes/no' to turn the days on or off.
(Contact details obscured for privacy reasons)
For public holidays, switch off the days you are closed, and remember to turn them back on when you're back in the office! Site visitors will still be able to schedule calls with you on your next open business day.ย
Simultaneous/round robin
If you are using the simultaneous or round robin call settings you will need to make changes to each individual agent's hours by clicking on the blue pencil button (circled below). To ensure your scheduling option remains on site, you can adjust the opening hours on one agent and deactivate your other agents, but you must remember to reactivate them.
If you need any assistance, please feel free to email us at