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How to edit widget pop-up settings

Control the timing, sequence and prominence of the widget, speech bubble and phone icon

Nicky Knoesen avatar
Written by Nicky Knoesen
Updated over a week ago

The entire widget text box (as shown below) will only pop up automatically once in a 24-hour period. This means that if a visitor returns to the site on the same day, they will only see the icon and speech bubble, and not be prompted with a pop up again. (We determine repeat visitors based on cookies.)

Adjusting your pop-up interface

Go to Settings > Automated Pop-up Settings, where you'll find this screen:

Settings Explained

Show speech bubble (yes/no): The speech bubble is a vital 'call to action' which appears on your pages before the widget appears. Make sure you leave this on!

Speech bubble delay (in seconds): This is the time it takes for the speech bubble to open up after the initial phone button has loaded

Show pop-up on website (yes/no): This is the main widget which pops up after the speech bubble appears. We recommend you don't disable this. 

Pop-up delay (in seconds): This is how many seconds it takes for the widget to appear after the speech bubble has loaded. If you have disabled the pop-up, this option is irrelevant. 

Pop-up time on screen (in seconds): This is how long the widget will stay on the page before it disappears or your web visitor clicks ‘x’. (Our default is 60 seconds.)

Please note: if you have disabled the speech bubble, the widget will pop up after the phone button has loaded.

Recurring speech bubble (yes/no):  If ‘no’ is selected, the speech bubble will not re-appear during repeat visitor sessions. If 'yes' is selected, the speech bubble will continue to re-appear after the amount of time specified in the box below.

Allow exit: (yes/no):
If a visitor tries to navigate away from the page or the entire site (by switching tabs or clicking x on the page), the widget will pop up instantly, giving you one last try to invite a callback!

Background fade: (yes/no): When the widget pops up or is clicked, the surrounding site background will dim to increase its prominence on the page. Some customers like this feature as it means the widget is at the forefront of the site until the user navigates away.

Mobile Only Settings:

Mobile speech bubble (yes/no): This allows you to choose whether or not to show the speech bubble. As mentioned above, we suggest leaving this on to increase call volumes.

Mobile pop-up:  ResponseiQ was designed and built for mobile devices. - we don't recommend turning this off!

If you want to know more about bespoke/custom solutions, please get in touch at

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