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Automated Call Retry Scheduling

Our Automated Call Retry Scheduling feature allows the system to automatically schedule call-backs for any calls.

Nicky Knoesen avatar
Written by Nicky Knoesen
Updated over 4 years ago

Our Automated Call Retry Scheduling feature allows the system to automatically schedule call-backs for any calls with leads via Lead Connect or the Widget that have been missed by the lead, too short in call length via “Automated Lead Retries” while the “Overnight Scheduling” feature does same for the calls that have been received during out of office hours.

How it works

Any lead that comes in via Lead Connect or the Widget generates a call-back request from the system for your sales team. However, sometimes these calls may not be completed due to any of the following reason:

  • The sales team is not available (outside working hours)

  • The call was missed by the lead

  • The call was not of optimal duration

To counter any of the above situations, sales teams are usually advised to schedule another call-back. This being a manual process, some leads could just be missed. However, the Automated Call Retry Scheduling features will work for you and your team to schedule call-backs automatically if the last call with the lead meets any of the above three criteria.

You can configure the retries for the following attributes for each lead:

  • Number of retries that will be scheduled in case of Automated Lead Retries

  • Duration of the call to be considered a successful call

  • The time interval between each retry to be scheduled by the system, since the last call happened

The system makes sure that a retry will only be scheduled if the last call status is a Missed Call, Short Call or was in Out of Office Hours.

Steps to setup

  1. Log in to your Company Dashboard on ResponseiQ

  2. Go to Settings and select Automated Call Retry Scheduling

Overnight Scheduling

3. The Lead connect starting time delay will add a delay, in minutes to the out of hours call queue, if you do not want your out of hours leads to be called at exactly your starting time

4. The time interval is how far apart the calls will be scheduled from each other when your working hours then resume.

Note: If your agents are experiencing a high number of calls on a certain day, changing this time would update the call queue in real-time, and schedule the very next call for the updated interval duration.

5. Make sure the feature is “Active” and then hit submit to save the setting. The system will start scheduling out of hours calls automatically.

Automated Lead Retries

6. Select or Input the threshold for Call Duration to be considered as a short and therefore unsuccessful call

7. Now you can proceed to set up the number of retries by clicking on the button “Automated Call Scheduling Retry Attempts”. The logic of the retry attempts work in exactly the same way as that of normal retry attempts.

A pop-up will appear where you can set up the time for the first retry to be scheduled since the last call happened with the lead.

You can choose the duration between retries from the dropdown:

Note: If left “No Retry”, no new retry will be scheduled.

If you want to configure more retry attempts “Add More”

Like the first retry, you can set the time since the last retry was scheduled for the system to choose the second or consecutive retry:

Click “Delete” to remove a retry attempt.

Once you have configured the number of retries and the time interval between the last retry and the consecutive retry attempt, you can proceed to “Save” the configuration.

8. Make sure the feature is “Active” and then save the setting. The system will start scheduling calls automatically if the duration is shorter than the specified time or it is missed by the lead.

Call reports

If a call is scheduled via Automated call retry scheduling, then it will display the following source detail in the call reports. "Auto - - cpc".

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