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API Integration

Setting up API integrations for your Web Application with ResponseiQ

Nicky Knoesen avatar
Written by Nicky Knoesen
Updated over 4 years ago

ResponseiQ Call Reports API Integration

1. Overview

An API (Application Programming Interface) enables computer systems (e.g. CRMs, various enterprise systems, reporting systems, etc.) to communicate with each other and to use each others data programmatically.

The Reports API allows to fetch all data related to calls so that you can use it in your own system, e.g. to create reports.

Setting up the API integration with ResponseiQ is quite simple. This guide will assist you to do that within a few minutes.


2. Authentication

Before users can make requests with our platform’s API, you’ll need an Authorisation Token in order to proceed with requests.

An Authentication token acts as the API Key for the ResponseiQ platform. This functions mainly as a way to identify the system which is making the API call to our system (authenticating you to use the API).

You can follow the below steps to set up the authentication for API integrations:

2.1.   Login to your company account on ResponseiQ Application panel

2.2.   From the left main menu, go to My Widget Domains. Then select the widget domain you wish the API Integration executed from.

2.3.   Then Settings > API Integration

2.4.  Here you will find your Authorisation Token. This will act as your API Key. You will need this while making POST requests on the platform

2.5.   In the same menu, you will also find Widget API Key. This will be representative of the specific widget domain you selected in step 2.2. You will need this to be used as an API Key to identify widget while making a POST request to our platform. 

Tip: You can send multiple Widget API Keys in a comma-separated format, while making a POST request to the ResponseiQ platform, in order to capture data for multiple widgets at once.

3. Pagination

The API provides the data in a paginated way. E.g. when you make a request to get the calls for the last month it will only provide the first 100 records, even if there are more records in the database. This is to prevent our servers from slowing down when querying a large amount of calls

To get all of your call you need to use the offset and limit parameters in the API request.

The offset allows you to skip a number of calls for given search terms, the limit allows you to specify the maximum amount of calls returned in the request. We allow a maximum limit of 100.

To get all the calls for given search terms you:

1. Set the initial offset to 0 and the limit to 100 for the first request

2. Set the second request's offset to 100 and the limit again to 100
3. Repeat to increase the offset in 100 increments until the request returns an empty response

4. What Next?

Once you have authenticated the the API integration with ResponseiQ, you will then have to setup the options you wish to utilise. You have the choice of Call Reports API, Verify Number API and Call Agents API; Or all three.

To implement these, you will need the PHP Code Sample, Parameters and Return Values. All of which can be found here.

Note: You must be logged into your account to be able to view details of the API implementation.

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