The best way to track your AdWords/PPC campaigns in relation to your ResponseiQ callbacks is by installing our product using Google Tag Manager and integrating it with Google Analytics.
If you want your team members with admin access to be able to look at the customer journey on your dashboard, you have a few options:
Referring sites
By checking the referrer on your call report, you can see where the callback request originated from.
Direct means the visitor accessed your site by going directly to your URL.
A handy way to keep an eye on call origination is by referencing the email sent to you when someone claims a call.
In the call reports page, you will notice some of the referral source URLs contain 'gclids' - this means they came through AdWords.
The report will also interpret if your customer found you through a CPC or PPC advert.
Email Marketing Campaigns
If you embed UTM codes on specific pages, our system will recognise them for you.
Filtering this data
It's interesting to review just how many unique referring website sources are involved in your leads' journeys to us.
To look at call volume per source, go to:
Call Reports > Advanced Filters > Referring Websites
To get a complete list of referring sites, simply select a date range (leave the other fields blank), hit Search then Export CSV.
Once you have your CSV file, you can delete all the columns you don't need, and see all your data on the Referring Site column.